Application ProfileName:Robert
Spoken languages:English and Swedish
Character name:Wickerman
Server name:Magtheridon
Played Time of applying character:46 days
Character Profile/Armory Link: Resistance Gears do you have? 302 nature,273 fire
Attunements (Be specific).none for pre tbc instances.I did kara and ssc preq but theres no need for preq anymore with the 2.4 patch right?
Extended InformationRaiding days are on Tuesday,Wednesday,Friday,Saturday Could you attend them?Sounds great.Maybe a saturday and friday I will not sign but it will mostly be once a month.
Guild History/Cross realm Details (Be Specific)Haomarush:
W I M P - irl friend that joined epic reality.I moved to another server when they joined them.
Epic reality - Joined them a month before tbc came.
Zenith - Disbanded cuz of worthless gm's.
Shattered Union - MC/ZG/AQ20 guild with no luck in bwl.
Clarity - bwl/AQ40 guild. left it 2-3 months before tbc came to start play with irl friends that played on haomarush again.
W I M P - A lot of 10 man farming till we merged with Vogon Poets.
What's your raiding experience both before and on TBC ? kara MT/dps, Gruul MT/dps, ZA as tank, Voidreaver as tank, MC as dps, ZG as dps, AQ20/40 as dps, bwl as dps.
Are you willing to re-spec if we ask you to?ofc.
We expect our members to come to the raid fully prepared and have enough consumables for the whole duration of the raid. What kind of consumables do you usually take with you to the raid?Flasks,Elixirs,potions, sharpening stones in case theres no shaman thats able to provide me with windfury or flametounge.
Do you have a working microphone and will you use it during raids?Yes.
Rate your Internet and computer specifications out of 10Internet=8, computer=9
Your Goal in WoW:Get the most fun out of it as possible while doing it with irl friends.
Your greatest strengths and weaknesses:quick learner and very active.Still living in my parents house and they usually work late so it will be a lot of late dinners infront of the computer with raiding.But it will not change my play style.
Show an image of your Raid UI (screenshot): Doesnt show.
Do you have any friends in -NBTD- currently?none.
Share your thoughts with us. Statements, Questions, Opinions anything interestingNothing at all.