Application Profile
Spoken languages:
English, Urdu
Character name:
This was my alt.
Server name:
Played Time of applying character:
129 days.
Character Profile/Armory Link:
What Resistance Gears do you have?
None, but i can get them in no time.
Attunements (Be specific).
Karazhan only, but now it’s all removed so shouldn’t be a problem really.
Extended Information
Raiding days are on Tuesday,Wednesday,Friday,Saturday Could you attend them?
Saturday MIGHT be a problem sometimes, but rest is fine.
Guild History/Cross realm Details (Be Specific)
To start off, this is my alt which me and my brother played pre tbc, transferred over from Bloodscalp(never really played on this character in TBC). My main was a Shaman with which i have cleared the whole content Pre 2.4 Patch. I was the GM of immunetodeath which i left because i thought of myself as not the best person to lead the guild on my own and some officers had stepped back off WoW. I was bored off my shaman after playing it for more then 2 years, and wanted to play something different, 3 Days back my Shaman got hacked while i was trying to sell it, after waiting for atleast 2 weeks, it doesn’t look like I’m gonna get it back. So im gonna stick on this character now.
What's your raiding experience both before and on TBC ?
With my shaman cleared everything in game, and with this toon done whole MC/naxx/aq40 and in tbc only done ZA/Kara, but ofcourse i know every tactic in all the instances/raids as a Caster(Healer) PoV, will read up if anything different for a tank.
Are you willing to re-spec if we ask you to?
Yes, but my tanking gear is a lot better then dps.
We expect our members to come to the raid fully prepared and have enough consumables for the whole duration of the raid. What kind of consumables do you usually take with you to the raid?
Flask of fortification
and shit loads of elixirs and food buffs, wont run out in a raid.
Do you have a working microphone and will you use it during raids?
Yes, if im told to, but I prefer typing over speaking.
Rate your Internet and computer specifications out of 10
I hardly get fps drops, so 9/10, internet 9/10
Your Goal in WoW:
It's just a game, so i want to have fun playing it no matter how i play it.
Your greatest strengths and weaknesses:
I'm a hardcore raider and i like to take my mistakes as something which i learn from. Cant really think of any str/weak here.
Show an image of your Raid UI (screenshot):
Still Under construction.
Do you have any friends in -NBTD- currently?
Yes, Ozee Uruksa Velora Iceboy... pretty much every1 who was in i2d.
Share your thoughts with us. Statements, Questions, Opinions anything interesting
I saw this guild has the potential to progress further down the content and i think i can help you with the progress.